Learn NLP + a dripped-out panda 🐼

Friday AI Highlights

TL;DR: A free course, two cool tools, and an interesting new paper

Free NLP Course 🏫

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is the main field behind new tech like ChatGPT. If you want to learn the fundamentals, Hugging Face uploaded a free course!

Check it out here.

2 Cool Tools for Productivity

  1. wikipediaGPT: Talk to Wikipedia using GPT

  2. GenmoAI: Create and generate images by chatting w/ generative models. Not open to everyone yet 🤫, but you can join the waitlist with the link.

Paper I’ve been reading 📝

  • Lu et al (2023) just released LLaMa-Adapter, which is able to turn Meta AI’s LLaMa into an instruction-following model within just 1 hour.

  • ELI5: LLaMA-Adapter is like a custom-made kit that can transform a regular car into a self-driving car in one hour.

  • The kit comes with 1.2M components and 52K instructions that can be easily installed on the car to equip it with the ability to follow instructions.

  • The components allow the car to take in instructional cues, keeping its existing features intact, and apply them to follow instructions.

  • You can find the full paper here (arXiv) and the code here (Github).

AI Pic of the Day 🖼️ 

That’s it from me!

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