Friday Morning AI Report

May 19th 2023

Friday Morning AI Report - May 19th 2023

Hello there!

Here’s a quick recap of the latest in AI for your Friday morning.

Reading time: 2 minutes

📰 News

OpenAI launches ChatGPT for iOS

You will now be able to ChatGPT on your phone. The kicker? It’s apparently better than the web version.

One of the new features is going to be the integration of Whisper, OpenAI’s speech-to-text model, into ChatGPT.

Is this going to be the end of Siri?

Apple pre-announces Personal Voice

You will now be able to create an AI-generated version of your own voice. After reading different phrases for 15 minutes, your iPhone will create an AI model that can recreate your voice, useful for folks with speaking disabilities.

Apple is likely going to launch this in September, with English as the first language you can use it for.

Would you try this?🤔 

You can read the full story here.

🛠️ Tool Highlight

  • Gamma ( — generate a full presentation or document in literal seconds. Seriously, this tool is bonkers. Check out the (minute long) video below.

📚 Must-See Learning Resource

Cohere, a Canadian startup, just launched LLM University. Now you can impress your friends by knowing how large language models like GPT-4 really work.

Seriously, if you want a rock-solid understand of NLP, this is the place to start.

🖼️ AI Image of the Day

The Zuck as a 3x NBA All-Star, created with Midjourney V5.

That’s all for today, thanks for reading!

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